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About Me

Hey! My name is Jacob, and I'm an aspiring writer, disc golfer, and otamatone enthusiast. I'm also a servant of the Triune God of the Bible, and as such I have created this blog in the attempt to convey biblical truths in an simple, understandable, and consumable way


The story of Jacob's Ladder in the Bible, is one where the son of Isaac, Jacob, was fleeing from his brother, Esau, who sought to kill him. In his journey he laid down to rest and was granted a vision of angels, ascending and descending upon a ladder. This was foreshadowing to the Christ, who would later come down in flesh through a meeting of the spiritual and physical worlds, connecting like a ladder. So I, too, hope that this blog is helpful to those who desire to connect their physical lives with spiritual truths as seen in scripture. So, come, lets survey the ladder, together

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